Monday, September 24, 2007

More Benefits

After doing some more research, I came across the point that having technology in schools will no longer put students who have a lower economic status at a disadvantage. I think having a lower economic status puts you at a disadvantage in many situations that go beyond technology so we should work toward lessening the disadvantages for people of this status by offering them the ability to use technology and become efficient in them. Technology and everything that goes along with it can be very expensive, but will be very helpful for the future. I don't think just because people do not have as much money as others or cannot afford things such as computers, they should not be denied the ability to learn technology skills. Having technology in schools will greatly improve the lives of the people with a lower economic status because it will make things fair and will allow them to recieve a better education.

Technology Benefits

I believe technology is a great way to promote the learning of students. In today's world, technology is become more popular everyday. Almost everything we do now deals with technology. Using various components of technology is great for kids. It will not only increase their technology skills, but I think it would enhance their learning experiences and make school alot more enjoyable. Since technology is expanding to every aspect of life, using technology in schools will not only help with their education but also in the future. There are tons of great webpages and online games available that make learning fun for the students. To learn more see: